As my 3 year old and I sat down to our usual bedtime routine of bible story and prayer the other night, God spoke to me through the story we chose to read.
It centers on John 15:5. This verse serves as such a great reminder to me...I'm sure I am not alone when I say that life is distracting. Let me say it louder. LIFE IS DISTRACTING!!! The TV is blaring, the phone is ringing, the dog is barking, someone is at the door. My daughter is calling me, my husband needs my help... and the list goes on. I have the blessing of also being somewhat OCD so if the dishes are in the sink; they are calling my name, as is the laundry that needs folding and the dinner that needs cooking.
Each day and its responsibilities remind me that I can do nothing without God; nothing without his grace, his forgiveness, his mercy, his peace, his love, his presence and his sacrifice for me. Sacrifice. Forgiveness. Mercy. Love. This sounds so familiar...Oh yes, those are the same things my family expects of me each day. If I need those things from God...or from others for that matter then why am I overwhelmed or surprised when others or God expects them of ME.
Why is it that even though I have tried a million and one times before to do things in my own strength and in my own time and it never works, I still keep trying it anyway? It’s amazing that even though being focused on God is where we need and want to be we always get distracted. There is no doubt that being in the presence of God is the sweetest place to be. Whether it’s reading my bible, raising my hands in praise or on my knees in prayer, I am always happiest when I am in connection with the Lord.
In this world, we have to remember that in whatever job, responsibility or task that God has placed before us today, we are to perform that action as and work as though we were working directly for him (we really are). Whatever situation I find myself in, this outlook always helps me to get back on track and smile. My job as a child of God, a mommy and a wife is to show God’s love to my family. Through all the activities I do in a day my most important responsibility is to the Lord first. I learned the hard way that when you put God first, everything else falls into place. I am a better and more pleasant person to be around and a good example for little eyes to see or even to ,unbelievers that I am trying to win to God when I am acting like what God says I am…His child.
God made the ultimate sacrifice for us and good thing he knows we are not perfect and that we will fail to meet his expectations this side of heaven, but he loves us anyway and continues to reminds us that He is the vine and we are the branches, and without him we can do nothing.